Inclusive Faith Project

The RDC is partnering with the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry for Disabled People, Yes! Disability and Inclusive Aotearoa Collective to support a series of regional gatherings that will bring people with a disability into conversation with faith leaders so obstacles can be identified and overcome.
Practical outcomes will include resources designed to enhance understanding and create positive change.
The process itself will enrich participants’ understanding of disability issues and interfaith relationships.

The Inclusive Faith Project has been exploring stories and participatory potential through a series of regional hui that were held throughout the country.
What is it?
Disabled people of faith in conversation with influencers in faith communities; a constructive dialogue to enhance participatory opportunities for people with abilities they’d like to exercise in their faith communities. 
Empathy, respect, social cohesion and justice are worth the effort. 
What are the results?

For more information and to check out the Inclusive Faith website, click here.