The Religious Diversity Centre Calendars
Calendar overviews 2021-2024
Calendar overviews 2021-2024
Recordings of all 4 webinars of the series "Building a Climate of Hope"
Te Ao Mārama is a beautiful Māori concept of inter-connectedness. In this short videoclip, Dr Jenny Te Paa Daniel explains what it means.
Adele Churchman describes the April picture of the 2023 RDC Calendar which shows a Catholic priest lighting the Easter Candle.
The February picture of the 2023 Calendar shows the Shrine of The Báb.
RDC Calendar 2022: Ram Lingam explains the meaning of the Hindu Feast Magh Snan which is featured for the month of January
RDC Calendar 2022: Explanations to the pictures used
Statement presented to Minister James Shaw for COP26
RDC Trustee Professor Edwina Pio, member of Kāpuia, the Ministerial Advisory Group on the Government’s Response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch mosques has…
Debbie Miller, the educator at Beth Shalom in Auckland, explains why food is important for religious practices in Judaism.
Prof Douglas Pratt, RDC Trustee, has published a new book.
Launch of The National Statement on Religious Diversity in 2019
The National Statement on Religious Diversity (3rd edition, 2019)
Summary of Religious Diversity in New Zealand (2018 Census) based on the numbers provided by Stats New Zealand (2019)