The RDC workshops are innovative and highly interactive, shaped by the Belieforama method.
Participants are enthusiastic!
“It was informative and well paced. A respectful and safe place to express opinions.”
“I appreciated everyone’s openness and willingness to listen, and not being overly focussed on one individual religion.”
The workshops are designed for groups of 15 – 30 persons. They are tailored to different lengths and time-frames to suit. They range from a 2 hour ‘taster’ workshop through to a more standard 4 – 6 hours workshop. Longer workshops, spread over two or more days, can also be arranged.
Each workshop is designed to fit the group of participants, so each workshop is different. Over the past year workshops have involved the people of one particular religious community, people brought together from different religious communities for the first time, teachers and people from schools in a particular local community and people involved in one city’s Social Work organisations. Feedback on these events has been overwhelmingly positive.
A workshop
• can open up the conversation for newcomers to the world of inter-faith relations
• can include a section/activity that deepens understanding of one or more of the religions, Islam say, for people who have had inter-faith experience
• can take place in the local community, in the religious community, in a local organisation’s meeting …….and in the Local Council, Government Department or NGO.