Kalimat (Words), 12 July: the 7th month of the Bahá’í year.
Kamál (Perfection), 21 July: the 8th month of the year.
Asmá (Names), 19 Aug: the 9th month of the Bahá’í year.’Izzat (Might), 8th Sep: the 10th month of the Bahá’í year.
Mashi’yyat (Will), 26 Sep: the 11th month of the year.
Ilm (Knowledge), 15 October:
the 12th month of the year.
Birth of the Báb, 21 October:
The Báb’s (herald of the new age for Bahá’ís) birth anniversary. His shrine is at the Bahá’í World Centre, Haifa, Israel.
Birth of Bahá’u’lláh, 22 Oct:
The anniversary of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Bahá’í Faith. Bahá’ís suspend work on this day.
Qudrat (Power), 3 November:
the 13th month of the Bahá’í year.
Vassa (Rains Retreat), 9 July – 5 October: Vassa marks the beginning of the three-month ‘Rains Retreat’ for monks and nuns.
Pavarana, 5 October: Coming at the full moon, Pavarana marks the end of the Rains Retreat for the Ordained.
Kathina, 6 Oct – 2 Nov: During the month after the rainy season retreat, lay people may offer the Kathina-robe as part of the general alms-giving ceremony.
Transfiguration (Western), 6 August. Transfiguration celebrates the appearance of Jesus in a transfigured state during his earthly life to three of his disciples, as narrated in the Gospels.
Transfiguration (Eastern – Old Calendar), 19 August: Transfiguration celebrates the appearance of Jesus in a transfigured state during his earthly life to three of his disciples, as narrated in the Gospels.
World Communion Sunday, 1 October: World Communion Sunday offers congregations an opportunity to experience Holy Communion in the context of the global community of faith.
All Saints Day (Western), 1 November: A day to honour Christian saints throughout the ages.
Advent begins (Christmas Fast) (Eastern – New Calendar), 15 November: The Christmas Fast is the 40 day period before Christmas, ending on Christmas Eve. The New Calendar locates Christmas on December 25, the Old Calendar on Jan 7.