The RDC Trust’s 2020 AGM

People long distance on the screen, people gathered in the room, trustees and guests – all were able to take part in lively discussion at the AGM of the Religious Diversity Centre Trust.

The RDC Trust’s AGM

The Religious Diversity Centre Trust held its AGM on Sunday afternoon 9 August. The activity of the past year was outlined in the reports and made subject to open discussion with a view to the RDC’s plans for the way ahead.

Workshops and Professional Training in religious diversity, Jewish Muslim student dialogues and Year 12 Leadership Diversity Days, during these days of lockdown and physical distancing are being reviewed and further content and activities developed for them.

The RDC series of zoom discussions will continue. A Digital Media Group has formulated Guidelines in preparation for the RDC increasing its presence on the different platforms. The RDC administrator Gregory Thorn was thanked for the website’s new look! 

 The draft report on the research carried out by the RDC for the Minister of Education was ready to be submitted to the Ministry. The report was commissioned to foster public discussion about religion in schools, in particular Religious Instruction and Religious Education/Religious Studies in public junior and intermediate schools in NZ.  The report comprised two sections, one involving research on the experience of religion in schools in five other countries and the second  the results of the survey (included in the RDC email of 14 July) that was completed by over 650 stakeholders in July.  

The RDC, as a national centre, was pleased to have representation at each of the four ‘Connecting Faiths/ Interfaith hui organised and hosted by the Office of Ethnic Communities in February-March 2020. It was helpful to make contact with people and to gain a picture of what is happening across the country. The aim of the hui was to share what was already being done to support social inclusion and wellbeing, to identify further actions that could take place and explore what role government or others might have in supporting the work. Ethnic Communities Minister Jenny Salesa’s report of the hui is due out shortly.

Once the reports had been presented and discussed, questions reflecting the vision of the way ahead were put to the gathering for general discussion. They are now shared with our newsletter readers! :   

What kinds of workshops are most needed in the coming months?

Can you see an opportunity to bring people from different faith backgrounds together for the first time – in the safe place of an innovative and interactive workshop?

Would  a seminar on a particular religion or religions be helpful to your community?

What would you like to ask the RDC to share on the digital media?

Can you give us a story about a hurtful situation where the hurt, due to religious diversity,  was resolved in some way?