The Leadership Diversity Day offers Year 12 students facing their final year at school an opportunity to consider their own leadership in a multicultural, multireligious city.
This year, on 14th August 2018, the RDC was able to support the Auckland Interfaith Council and the UNITEC Multi-Faith Chaplaincy in organising the Leadership Diversity Day. Held at the Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae on the Mt Albert UNITEC Institute of Technology campus, this was the fifth year that the event has been held. Year 12 students from seven secondary schools attended with their teachers.
With the Day’s focus on diverse religions, six students gave presentations on two topical issues from the perspective of their different religious traditions. The presentations addressed the issues ‘Our earth, our home, our future?’ and ‘What do you need to be, to be a Kiwi?,’ and were followed by discussion in small mixed groups.
The day was received positively, with many of the students emphasising how much they enjoyed the interactions within the small discussion groups, and valued the opportunity to discuss ideas with people from other schools and other religious backgrounds that they had never met before.