The Religious Diversity Centre Trust held its annual AGM on Sunday 12 August, discussing the past year, future programmes and upcoming events. Professor Edwina Pio presented her research and recent publication, Work and Worship. RDC Trust Chair, Jocelyn Armstrong, gave her annual report, highlighting her pleasure that the Centre Coordinator’s hours had received a small increase and an Office Manager appointed for two days a week. She also reported that three new Trustees had been appointed in March: Prof Edwina Pio and the Ven Amala Wrightson (both of Auckland), and Selva Ramasami of Wellington. She also highlighted the fundraising activities now underway. Dr Todd Nachowitz, RDC Centre Coordinator, followed with his report on the activities of the Centre and future plans. Prof Doug Pratt gave the annual report from the Programme Committee, followed by Bhai Verpal Singh’s annual Report of the activities of the Centre Management Committee. Prof Doug Pratt also confirmed his appointment as Chair of the recently established Funding Committee. As a result, Prof Edwina Pio will now take over Doug’s previous role Chairing the Programme Committee. Ricky Waters, RDC Treasurer, finished up with his Annual Summary for the Year ended 30 June 2018.