Women of Faith (WoF)
Enhancing Spiritual Fitness - Faith through a Female Lens
Enhancing Spiritual Fitness - Faith through a Female Lens
This webinar series was organised by the RDC Climate Action Group, see here.The webinars were recorded and are available here. Here is an introduction to the Webinar Series by Dr…
Rabbi Dean Shapiro is the rabbi of Beth Shalom Jewish Progressive Synagogue in Auckland. In addition to serving the Beth Shalom community, he directs The Joseph Project for the Global…
Listen to Ram Lingam explaining the ceremony. Listen to Steve Drake describing the Shrine of The Báb. Listen to Farida Master reflecting on the importance of light in Zoroastrianism Listen…
Tracking your Household Carbon Footprint
Check out the 2023 RDC webinar series here: “E tū te mana o Te Ao: Building a Climate of Hope”, Enviroschool Interview Eco Church Interview Climate Emergency Workshop The Cries…
Goal: to provide an understanding of Interfaith resources (online and print) and to highlight any information of interest for Aotearoa New Zealand. Convenor: Prof Douglas Pratt
Workshops for a diverse group of people from a local community.
The national Religious Literacy & Competency Survey The survey will gain evidence of the level of religious literacy and competency in the population. It will seek to discover the level…
The Religious Diversity Centre (RDC) offers Professional Development workshops/training seminars to organisations, associations and businesses wishing to help their employees or members become more familiar with matters of religious diversity.