Climate Action Poster
The second Climate Action poster is now being distributed by the RDC Climate Action Workgroup.
The Workgroup’s large aim is for all worship centres in the diverse religious communities to use the poster – with its call to take some action in the face of Climate Change – and to share their story on the website.
Stories can be sent to
The poster is available here . Can you share it with your religious community?
On the Death of Queen Elizabeth
“…. I watched with admiration as she—year by year—became just that bit more explicit in her public addresses (especially at Christmas) about her Christian faith; never obtrusively or aggressively, but in a way that made it absolutely clear that she knew whence she derived her vision and her strength. At the same time, her engagement with other faiths was surprisingly strong and positive, and I would hear imams, rabbis, and swamis alike sing praises for her empathy and shrewdness. Like her husband, she would listen attentively…” – Rowan Williams, a former Archbishop of Canterbury, central leader of the English Church, writing of the Queen who, as English monarch, was Head of the Church of England by law established.
As people who appreciate and respect our diverse faiths, we can look forward to the leadership of the new king, King Charles III, who has in the past declared his own desire to be indeed not only ‘Defender of The Faith’ as by law established, but ‘Defender of Faith’, respecting the ‘free practice of all faiths’.
The RDC Religious Diversity Workshop
On Saturday 27 August trustees and committee members participated in a Religious Diversity Workshop. People from across the country who were new to their RDC role were able to meet people face-to-face, gain a fuller picture of the RDC’s activity, and experience a typical Workshop – somewhat curtailed as a ‘Taster’.
The Religious Diversity Workshops with their interactive activities, offer a safe space where people can share their experiences with one another and learn about practices and beliefs different from their own.
Now that in-person events are possible again, if you would like to organise or participate in a workshop please contact the Workshop Lead Facilitator at
For further information please check out Community Diversity Workshops or Professional Development in Religious Diversity on our website.
October – RDC Fund-raising month
October is almost upon us again!
There is much work to be done – building an inclusive community, where everyone feels they belong, respected and accepted for who they are. The RDC seeks a secure financial base for our work in religious diversity. If you are interested in making a regular donation, monthly say or annual, please contact
RDC Calendar
We hope you are enjoying the little video-clips that go with the monthly pictures of the RDC calendar.
For the month of September, we have Dr Leonard Bloksberg explaining the purpose of a Jewish mikvah. All video-clips are available here.
The 2023 calendar is in it’s final stages and we hope to have it with the printer in October. The theme for the new calendar will be “Light”. You are welcome to contact us to express your interest. Once the calendar is ready, you will be able to order it through the website. More information will follow in our October newsletter.
Nga mihi nui,
The Religious Diversity Centre Team