Spirituality & Social Cohesion
Spirituality/Taha Wairua and Social Cohesion in Contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand - A Dialogue facilitated by RDC Trustee Prof. Paul Morris Panelists: Ria Earp ONZM, Health Quality & Safety Commission (hqsc.govt.nz)…
Spirituality/Taha Wairua and Social Cohesion in Contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand - A Dialogue facilitated by RDC Trustee Prof. Paul Morris Panelists: Ria Earp ONZM, Health Quality & Safety Commission (hqsc.govt.nz)…
Recordings of all 4 webinars of the series "Building a Climate of Hope"
Te Ao Mārama is a beautiful Māori concept of inter-connectedness. In this short videoclip, Dr Jenny Te Paa Daniel explains what it means. https://youtu.be/xLE0O-lWedM
The Religious Diversity Centre worked with Patrick Gower to get together a group of religious leaders to answer the moral question: Is it okay to bags a car park by…
Kopua (near Norsewood/Dannevirke) is the site of a Catholic Cistercian Monastery. Founded in 1954, today the monastic community has about 10 monks (and 4 companions who assist in hosting the…
This webinar series was organised by the RDC Climate Action Group, see here.The webinars were recorded and are available here. Here is an introduction to the Webinar Series by Dr…
In this video, Dr Lenny Bloksberg explains what a shofar is and when and how it is used: https://youtu.be/LSbdk99QJnc
The March picture of the 2023 RDC Calendar shows a Zoroastrian priest with the consecrated fire.Listen to Farida Master as she explains the meaning of light in Zoroastrianism. https://youtu.be/xxg8VPxYlR0
Kia ora tatou,I have been asked to outline how St Joseph’s Feilding became an Enviroschool.I will start with a very brief introduction to the Enviroschool Programme in our region.Enviroschools is an…
The February picture of the 2023 Calendar shows the Shrine of The Báb. https://youtu.be/NUVYbGgoGMo
This event is organised in cooperation with the Youth Leadership Council (RDC). The event had to be postponed due to the recent flooding and storms in Auckland. Please register to…
The RDC is partnering with the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry for Disabled People, Yes! Disability and Inclusive Aotearoa Collective to support a series of regional gatherings that will…
Interfaith Creek Cleanup 230212-CreekCleanup-PosterDownload
Article published in NZ Catholic, 31 July 2022
According to Glocalities, their World Survey from 2020 showed that the 5 top values identified in countries of the European Union, the UK, Ukraine and Russia are:Caring, Friendship, Wisdom, Freedom,…
Dr Chris Longhurst - the New Zealander who was part of the 2020 KAICIID Fellowship Programme
An initiative for and with marginalised people around Wellington.
RDC Calendar 2022: The picture of the month of March is dedicated to the Zoroastrians
RDC Calendar 2022: Steve Drake explains the history of the Baha'i Fountain at the Ridvan Garden which is featured for the month of February
RDC Calendar 2022: Ram Lingam explains the meaning of the Hindu Feast Magh Snan which is featured for the month of January
Glasgow" for the Religious Diversity Centre Aotearoa New Zealand during the time of COP26
Reflecting on the Maori and Pasifika voices at COP26 - Jenny Te Paa Daniel (RDC Co-Chairperson) in conversation with Sunlou Liuvaie (Pasifika Trust, Palmerston North) and Rod Oram (New Zealand journalist, connecting from Glasgow, Scotland)
Prayer and Meditation Vigil Launch of Scottish Interfaith Week
Debbie Miller, the educator at Beth Shalom in Auckland, explains why food is important for religious practices in Judaism. https://youtu.be/5S8bBKMs9XU
The Sikh Religion - it's origins and meanings
Ramadan - nut just fasting for the stomach...
The Jewish community celebrated Pessach on 3/4 April and 7 weeks later, on 17/18 May, they will celebrate the feast of Shavuot. Listen to the interview on Muffin Talk with…
The Christian celebration of Easter - explained for people of all faiths
Concepts explained: The meaning of light in Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity
Prof Douglas Pratt explains the importance in understanding Religion & Time